First some history…
I’ve been going through some health issues and my doctor told me I HAVE TO see a dietitian. I sat in front of him and said A BIG NO!
(I have been to dietitians numerous times before!)
I’ve always been a larger lady, who loves food, so going somewhere where I am told what to eat… well let’s just say I don’t like to be told what to do (yes I’m a bit stubborn)!
When I walked into Ros’s office for the first time I was immediately at peace. The walls have no imposing diet posters, no food motivational posters saying “you can do it”. I don’t know about you but when I feel really really down the last thing I want to see is pics of a skinny model telling me she did it.
Roslyn is AMAZING! You know when you meet someone for the first time and you just know that someone special has just entered your life! That’s how I felt. She is kind, understanding, so knowledgeable, so funny and even though she has one of the best figures I’ve seen on a human person, I haven’t felt intimidated.
The InBody 270 machine is incredible. You stand on it and it literally gives you so much information. It measures your weight, visceral fat, even down to how much each of your arms and legs weigh! It has been so interesting going back for my feedback sessions and seeing my progress. FYI the one week I lost 300g on my left leg and 400g on my right leg… how weird? That’s how accurate the machine is.
The other really cool thing is I had done is DNA testing which is a relatively new thing where you send blood away and you get your DNA tested to see what your body is going through and what it could go through. You are given an actual eating plan that is designed FOR YOUR GENETIC CODE! I have literally found out life-changing information. I did the DNA MIND test too and it has really helped me to understand my mental health issues.
I know this has been a really long post,Roslyn Labuschagne I APPRECIATE YOU. You have really helped change my life around. I don’t feel like I’m on a diet, I feel like I’m on an exciting journey.